3 Steps to Shifting your Attrition to a Retention Focus

Jason Wishard
2 min readDec 12, 2021

Let’s talk attrition. It’s high. Like, really high. With Omicron in the mix, none of this changing anytime soon. Folks are rethinking their values, where they live, the work they are doing, and whom they want to lead them. That last piece is critical and one I want to talk about.

First, if you have a tool to measure attrition, you are doing it wrong. You are already focused on chasing people out the door. Stop. Focus on retention (hat tip to Nidhi Tuli Sahgal for our lunch convo today). This new focus means a shift in measurement.

  1. Inclusion: Whom are you including, where are you including them and when are you including them? This means early career folks in senior conversations. Men (read white hetero) in women/BIPOC/LGBTQI+ business resource groups (if allowed and welcome) and listening. Listening!
  2. Empowering: Hire people smarter than you. Listen to them and let them direct. You set the vision, and let them define how they will execute on that vision. Coach them, teach them, and nurture them.
  3. Inspire: For me, this has been done through vulnerability. Be open about your own strengths and weaknesses, and have them challenged. Recognize your team to them (individually) and in front of them (as a group). Lift them up and insulate them.

Make these your new retention metrics as a leader. Stop chasing them out the door and meet them where they are. Listen to them, from the bottom (your most junior/early career people first) up.

If you need some great (OKR) frameworks to put these in action, Christina Wodtke has some awesome direction. Her Twitter feed is full of them. This is my experience (and only in part). Feedback welcome.

Note: These pillars are from Capital One’s leadership training series. Stories and milage are my own.

One of my favorite Twitter threads from Christina Wodtke on OKR’s. If you are looking for someone to help your team with OKR’s, she’s top notch and an amazing speaker.

